Chris Wilson

Trustee Co-opted

Hello, my name is Chris Wilson and I was appointed to the Trust Board of Directors in 2019 from a Commercial Finance background when the board was looking to strengthen the Financial membership. I am a qualified Certified Accountant and I have worked as a Management Accountant for Croda for the past 14 years and prior to that I worked in various Finance roles at Ideal Standard and I am currently serving as Chair of the Audit & Business Committee.

Within the trust, the Audit & Business committee covers a wide remit with some of the Committees responsibilities include over-seeing Finance controls and procedures, appointment of auditors, review of audit reports, review of financial statements, review of risk register, Health and Safety policy & reports, review of whistle blowing policy including ensure any allegations are investigated, manage strategic business development & marketing strategy, monitor ICT provision, oversee capital investment including – use of assets, maintenance policy, grant application and insuring of buildings.

As a parent with a child in year 4 at Swanland it enables to see me how the Trust is operating from the perspective as both a Trustee and a Parent. Since joining the board things have been far from normal due to Coronavrius but it has been an interesting time as we are working towards re-branding and expanding the Trust.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, walking the dog, playing golf & badminton and watching Hull FC.