to Edukos Trust
Our Vision:
Exceptional. Together.
underpinned by
Our Values:
# Friendly
# Growth
# Trust
Our Mission:
by working with each other #together we create a unique organisation with high expectations and high-quality work that make us #execptional

Would You Like
To Join Us?
If you would like to apply for a place at one of our schools for your child, we'd be happy to answer any of your questions and help you with the Admissions process.
Click on the link below to visit our individual school websites to find out more.
Enrol at one of our schools
Our Journey
Greek for Education and meaning to ‘draw from within’, Edukos Trust is a family of primary schools, currently all from within the East Riding of Yorkshire. The journey has been both exciting and interesting. We’re proud of our strengths and the collaborative approach we take to supporting the children, families, staff, and wider community that we serve. It is for that reason that we are keen to welcome new members to our family of schools and look forward to being able to work with you in the future.
The coalition government allowed Outstanding schools to become academies. Swanland Primary School’s LGB undertook rigorous fact finding and decided at that time it was the right thing to do for the school. This was only ever intended to benefit the Swanland Primary School Community.
Having been approached by Dunswell Primary School’s LGB, the Trustees of Swanland Primary School Academy Trust agreed to convert to a Multi Academy Trust.This was done to safeguard Dunswell’s future, support it’s improvement and to establish a new leadership structure.
Owing to the Trust having been ‘inaugurated’ by Swanland Primary School, the name of the trust was established in 2011.As the political landscape was heavily leaning towards all schools being academies, the Trustees decided to change the name, removing ‘Primary School’ to distinguish that it was not just one school.
With Government policy still being firmly on all schools becoming academies, the Trustees developed their Growth Plan Strategy to support this policy. This was around aligning staffing structures, policy and procedures and beginning to work with a wider group of schools. Discussions with Sheffield Diocese began.
Owing to Hook CE Primary School wanting to join the Trust, the legal structure of the trust was changed to ensure that schools with a church affiliation would be able to join. This means that on the board of Trustees or Members Board, the Diocese will have representation.
A long standing informal relationship with the Trust saw Airmyn make the decision to formalise this relationship and in May 2018, the school joined the Trust.
Similarly, a long standing informal relationship with the Trust saw Hook make the decision to formalise this relationship and in June 2018, the school joined the trust.
The board of Trustees have a strong desire to strengthen the already successful relationship of the schools within the trust, by boarding new schools. The trust is looking for a diverse range of schools and is looking forward to working with schools that will bring further skills/expertise to Trust.

Alison Oxtoby
Executive Head Teacher

Hannah Stephenson
Head Teacher

Caroline Ainley
Head of School
News from our Trust
We hope you’re all having a wonderful time and enjoying the sunshine.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, from us all but most especially our children
Thank you to @airmynpark, @DunswellAcademy, @HookCEPrimary & @SwanlandPS for this special message #exceptional #together
Congratulations @DunswellAcademy 🎊🎁🎉
What a great idea! We hope everyone enjoyed their chats; we feel sure it will have made cheerful for a Monday.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas & a happy New Year @airmynpark, @DunswellAcademy, @HookCEPrimary & @SwanlandPS. We hope you, the children and their families have a wonderful time celebrating. 🎅🏽🎄#exceptionaltogether
Looks like the best way to spend a Friday morning.
Important thread here from @steverollett
Edukos Trust wish to express our sadness and deepest sympathy to the Queen’s family. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to us all.
Wishing our Y6s who leave us today, lots of luck; continue to make us proud whilst at your new schools. Thanks to staff, children & families for everything you have done this year.
Happy summer! 🌅
@airmynpark @DunswellAcademy @HookCEPrimary @SwanlandPS #exceptionaltogether
A lovely covering of snow here this morning.
#exceptional #together
Come and work in our school. We are looking for a part time teacher to cover maternity leave. @edukostrust
#exceptional #together
They shall grow not old, as we that are left to grow old:
Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We were able to pay our respects this morning at St David's Church for our Remembrance Service 2024
If you have a child due to start school in September 2025 please come and visit our open evening.

Calling all new starters for September 2025
Calling all new starters for September 2025
Come and join our team 😊
#exceptional #together #opportunity
Thanks for a great session today. Our holiday club has been a huge success. Week 1 complete ✅ Thank you to everyone who has attended. Back next week for more fun 😄
#exceptional #together

Jess Yates (@jess.yates.mtb) • Instagram reel
For our Year 6 pupils transitioning to Goole.
Cropton Class are enjoying the sunshine this morning on the water. There have been many exciting activities over the past 24 hours!
#residential #watersports
#exceptional #together
A fabulous presentation by one of our amazing school ambassadors, who created his own power point on expectations at school. He delivered it with such confidence,in front of the whole school. @edukostrust @Edukos_CEO #exceptionaltogether #friendly #growth #trust
Some fantastic outfits for @BBCCiN and raising a fabulous £100! Thank you to everyone involved 🙂 #friendly #growth #trust #exceptionaltogether @edukostrust @Edukos_CEO
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
@edukostrust @Edukos_CEO #RemembanceDay #friendly #growth #trust #exceptionaltogether
Year 6 Students/Parents/Carers, please come along to our Year 6 Open Evening on Wednesday 25th September, starting at 5.30pm. This is your chance to see our school in action, meet staff & students, ask questions and tour the site. We look forward to seeing you soon!
It is #RoaldDahlDay today! I wonder what books 📚 you will choose to read or have already read? @edukostrust #reading #RoaldDahl #friendly #growth #trust
Introducing our wellbeing ambassadors 🙂 They already have some amazing ideas to support the children, parents, carers and staff during the next school year! @Edukos_CEO @edukostrust @MessiasMatt #friendly #growth #trust #wellbeing
Class 4 enjoyed a visit from @CrodaSTEM, conducting different experiments with foam and UV beads. Thank for Matt for a a great morning 🔭🩺🧬 @edukostrust #exceptionaltogether #trust #growth #friendly
With an overwhelming majority, tomorrow will be a non uniform day! @edukostrust #generalelection2024 #exceptionaltogether #friendly #growth #trust
Exciting times at Dunswell Academy, in our #generalection2024 The whole school has voted…we are awaiting the results shortly 😃@edukostrust #exceptionaltogether #friendly #growth #trust
Yesterday, our Y6 Trust Ambassadors had their final meeting; they received a certificate thanking them for undertaking their role.
We wish them lots of luck as they move on to the next stage of their education.
@airmynpark @DunswellAcademy @HookCEPrimary @SwanlandPS
Wishing all Y6 students the best of luck in their SATs this week. You have got this!!!
News Sway Issue 7:

Hook Primary News Sway Issue 7
Head's Message
Issue 6 of our News Sway

Hook Primary News Sway Issue 6
Head's Message
News Sway Issue 5:

Hook Primary News Sway Issue 5
Head's Message
Issue 4 of our News Sway

Hook Primary News Sway Issue 4
Head's Message
This Saturday, the Swanland School PTA Christmas Fair.
Today Year 2 have been undertaking a Children in Need and D&T project exploring types of joins. They have had lots of fun!
The Swanland School Walking Mums and Dads are recruiting new members for next year's challenge.
If you’d like to join the group please email Magda at
[email protected]
To be added into the group what’s app and get the challenge started.
Well done to the Year 4 students who took part in the benchball tournament yesterday evening against other school teams within the East Riding. Both teams played extremely well and finished second in their groups. Well done!!
This morning, the children from Y5 and 6 shared their own PowerPoints about Anti-Bullying to the whole school.
There's still time to sign up for Asda rewards Cashpot for Schools . If you haven't yet signed up and got the app, it is no cost to you and benefits the school greatly.
One of our Penguin Keepers, Lloyd, recently visited @swanlandps to deliver a series of penguin-themed talks and activities. 🏫
The students loved learning about our Gentoo penguins and created their own personalised wing band to take home! 🐧
#TheDeepHull #EducationalVisits
GameBud Talking Tom by HUGE Play Inc. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/gamebud-talking-tom/id1588725632