Alison Oxtoby
Executive Head Teacher
I began my teaching career at Dunswell Primary School as an NQT in September 2010. For the following eight years, I taught a mixed age class of Year 5 and 6. During these eight years, I received the Maths coordinator role in my second year, the assessment lead in my fourth year and then in February 2017, I was offered the role of Assistant Head of School. I worked through the threat of school closure and supported the school in becoming Dunswell Academy in 2013. This is when many great opportunities were given.
Remaining at Dunswell has allowed me to know the wonderful small school inside and out. It has allowed me to gain a great deal of experience and understand how the role of a Head works in a small school. This has greatly benefitted me when I took on the Head of School role in September 2018. This is when working as part of a trust has really supported me and allowed me to develop my role. Whilst developing my role as Head of School, I completed my Masters in Education and in January 2019 I completed this qualification with distinction.
The collaboration between the schools in the Trust has enabled me to develop my role with expertise and support from others. Data in school is still a great interest of mine and I enjoy analysing and understanding data which in turn builds a picture of the school and the areas of strength and those which need to be developed more. In September 2020, my role adapted to become the Head Teacher of Dunswell Academy where I continue to lead and develop the school. In September 2023, I have taken on the role of Executive Teacher of Edukos Trust. The role is developing and I currently undertake work for the Trust for a day a week. The remainder of the week, I continue my role as Head Teacher of Dunswell Academy. My focus as Executive Head Teacher is leading on School Improvement which is giving me the opportunity to work very closely with the other schools and their Head Teachers. I love the role so far and look forward to developing the role further.